Details Interested to know what it takes to get started in Open Source? Want to know what local projects and communities you can get involved with? In this cross community event we will cover what Open Source means, why you should contribute to Open Source projects, the tools to get started and have a selection of local projects/ contributors pitch the projects they contribute to and why you sh
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Interested to know what it takes to get started in Open Source? Want to know what local projects and communities you can get involved with?
In this cross community event we will cover what Open Source means, why you should contribute to Open Source projects, the tools to get started and have a selection of local projects/ contributors pitch the projects they contribute to and why you should join them :)
****** Please sign up for the event here: ******
Open Source is not only a great way to code on larger projects with a community of developers, but also it will help you become a better developer, build up a work history on GitHub and connection to the wider community.
“The gender imbalance in open source remains profound: 95% of respondents are men; just 3% are women and 1% are non-binary.”
This cross community event is aimed at engaging more women in Open Source projects by connecting them to safe and diverse projects.
If you contribute to a project or know one you would like highlighted in this event either as a presentation or as part of a repository of projects please fill in this form:
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