You asked and we listened! Interviewing can definitely be a difficult time and things get even harder when you are not sure how to best build your CV so that you receive those interview invitations. From cultural differences, to impostor syndrome, and many more factors , it can be really daunting. We have been putting together a very hands on experience together with a wonderful team of voluntee
0 RSVP'd
You asked and we listened!
Interviewing can definitely be a difficult time and things get even harder when you are not sure how to best build your CV so that you receive those interview invitations. From cultural differences, to impostor syndrome, and many more factors , it can be really daunting.
We have been putting together a very hands on experience together with a wonderful team of volunteer coaches ( Recruiters and Professionals alike).
Bring your CV or ideas with what you would like to put in it and come join us in one of the 8 tracks below. This event is meant for graduates, interns, juniors and mid level professionals.
We kindly ask you to answer the question when RSVPing, as we have limited capacity and want to make sure you get the best possible experience during the event. We divided into:
- Frontend
- Backend
- Fullstack
- Data
- Mobile
- UX Design
- Product
- QA
18:00 Welcome & Networking
18:30 A few words about Lieferando
18:35 A few words about Women Techmakers Berlin & the event
18:40 Tips & Tricks for preparing a tech CV
19:00 - 20:00 Hands on work with our coaches
20:00 - 20:30 Feedback
20:30 - 21:00 Networking and holiday cheers
At Women Techmakers Berlin we have been encouraging diversity in tech in Berlin since 2015. We strive for visibility, networking and resources to make the tech community of Berlin inclusive. We are one of the most active chapters of the global Women Techmakers program run by Google.
Our meetup groups are always open to people of all backgrounds, regardless of gender, age, race, expertise, etc. - everyone is welcome!
All our events are free of charge. We offer:
-> FiresideChats with interesting companies with Q&A Sessions
-> Programming courses: Javascript Study Jam, Kotlin Study Jam, Flutter Study jam
-> Workshops on topics like Google Assistant, Pitching
-> Events where you can watch great presentations
-> One of the most vibrant communities of Berlin
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