Missed out on the I/O Extended event in Amsterdam? Prefer something closer to home? Join us at our other I/O Extended event hosted by Q42 in The Hague! We'll get together for some dinner and then dive straight into the live stream! Watch the keynote live with your like minded Android & Google enthusiasts and get to discuss the latest and greatest stuff over a drink after the keynote is done. Sch
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Missed out on the I/O Extended event in Amsterdam? Prefer something closer to home? Join us at our other I/O Extended event hosted by Q42 in The Hague!
We'll get together for some dinner and then dive straight into the live stream! Watch the keynote live with your like minded Android & Google enthusiasts and get to discuss the latest and greatest stuff over a drink after the keynote is done.
18:00 Doors open & Dinner
18:50 Event Introduction
19:00 Google I/O Keynote
20:30 Drinks
We hope to see you there!
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