Architectures & Tools @ ING

The Dutch Android User Group

Join us for an evening with sessions and discussions about architectures and tools. Always wanted to know what other developers use when they develop their apps? Or how they’ve set their app up? On this evening we’ll cover both. We’ll have 3 sessions about architectures and an hour of open mic stage where everyone can share their architecture and tools. **Sessions ** ** Remco Mokveld, Android d

Jun 8, 2017, 3:15 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

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About this event

Join us for an evening with sessions and discussions about architectures and tools. Always wanted to know what other developers use when they develop their apps? Or how they’ve set their app up? On this evening we’ll cover both. We’ll have 3 sessions about architectures and an hour of open mic stage where everyone can share their architecture and tools.

Remco Mokveld, Android developer @ The Capitals 
Remco will present a newapproach to application architecture which is much more heavily focussed on the features of an app rather than how those are implemented. Remco will describe the benefits of this approach compared to what we previously did and give a short example of how he implemented this.

Jordy Langen, Team Lead Mobile development @ Mediaan 
Working with a relatively new technology means there is always much to be gained and improved. Now that we fixed our problems with views, networking and asynchronous processing it’s time to put that all together and build an architecture on top of this.

There is the MVP and although even Google is using it nowadays, it’s not perfect. Jordy will talk about how they implemented MVP in their latest apps, which problems they faced and how they worked around them. Jordy thinks Model View Intent is a natural evolution of MVP and it might just be the next best thing.

Ronald Warners, Chapter Lead Android @ ING 
The ING Mobile Banking app had its 5th birthday. Ronald will tell us about what happened when developing the Mobile Banking app. Which design and architectural decisions were made in the past and which ones are being made now?

Serj Lotutovici, Senior Android Developer @ Travelbird
A good architecture is more than just a fancy structure of your project, or trendy thing that everyone has to follow. With so many great examples out there on how to build an MVP or MVI app, one might think that the job is done and there is nothing left to discover or create. But one burden of any architecture is that it has to scale with Android, and that is not an easy task.

In this small session we are going to dive deep into the challenges that one faces when adopting an architecture on an example of a complex RecyclerView that relies on an RxMVI approach.

Hugo Visser, Android Developer @ Little Robots
A quick tour of the new architecture component libraries, we're we'll look at what these components are and what they aim to solve

17:15 Doors open 
17:30 Dinner 
18:30 Opening 
18:45 Remco Mokveld 
19:10 Jordy Langen 
19:35 Ronald Warners 
19:55 Break 
20:10 Serj Lotutovici
20:35 Hugo Visser 
21:00 Drinks
21:30 Lights out


  • Dion Segijn


    GDG Organizer

  • Anders Ullnæss


  • Rob de Knegt


    Android / Flutter Developer

  • Ahtsham Abbasi


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