
GDG Hangzhou

话题一:《Kotlin: 超越Android开发》/Kotlin: Beyond Android Development 讲者:Hadi Hariri 演讲简介:Kotlin在Android开发上很强大,但是它不只这个强项。这个演讲将为Kotlin进行全面的概观介绍,让您了解其在服务器、浏览器、和其他平台上的应用,来达成跨平台共用开发。 Kotlin is great for Android, but it can do much more. This talk gives an overview of Kotlin and how it can be used on the server, and on other platforms to achieve multi-platform development. 讲者介绍:Hadi Hariri JetBrains开发者推广团

Nov 16, 2017, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM


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About this event

话题一:《Kotlin: 超越Android开发》/Kotlin: Beyond Android Development

讲者:Hadi Hariri 


Kotlin is great for Android, but it can do much more. This talk gives an overview of Kotlin and how it can be used on the server, and on other platforms to achieve multi-platform development. 

讲者介绍:Hadi Hariri         JetBrains开发者推广团队领导

一个在OSS领域的开发者和创造者,他钟情的主题包含Web开发和软件架构。写了几本书、几个课程、并且持续15年在行业峰会上演讲。身为网络广播频道Talking Kotlin的主持人,他同时领导着JetBrains开发者推广团队,并且尽可能的投入时间享受写代码的乐趣。

Developer and creator of many things OSS, his passions include Web Development and Software Architecture. Has authored a couple of books, a few courses and has been speaking at industry events for over 15 years. Host to Talking Kotlin, he works at JetBrains leading the Developer Advocacy team and spends as much time as he can writing code.

话题二:《IntelliJ IDEA技巧和诀窍》/IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks

讲者:Mikhail Vink


Want to really know your IDE inside-out and see how to get into the flow of things when working? Want to understand the difference between an editor and an IDE and how the latter can give you the advantage of understanding the semantics of your applications? Want to be efficient (even productive) with your tooling? Then you know where to come.

讲者介绍:Mikhail Vink      JetBrains Global Marketing Programs Manager


Has more than ten years of experience in web software development and project management. Loves coffee, non-formal cross disciplinary education, and building communities. Currently holds a position of Global Marketing Programs Manager at JetBrains.


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    Alibaba Cloud

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