* Note * Note * Pushed back to July 17th * Note * Note * Let's get together and have an outdoor gathering. No topics required. Just a social gathering at Wabun Picnic Area @ Minnehaha Falls Park. Grillables (Burgers, dogs, and veggie-burgers) provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to pass. Let us know if you or your company would like to sponsor drinks or other aspects of this event!
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* Note * Note *
Pushed back to July 17th
* Note * Note *
Let's get together and have an outdoor gathering. No topics required. Just a social gathering at Wabun Picnic Area @ Minnehaha Falls Park. Grillables (Burgers, dogs, and veggie-burgers) provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to pass. Let us know if you or your company would like to sponsor drinks or other aspects of this event!
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