Details: 6:30 - Snacks and socializing * 7:00 - Short greeting and intro by GDG Organizer 7:15 - 'Which Whiskey? Using GCP to Predict Whiskey Preferences' by Phil Goerdt 7:45 - 'GCP Production Grade Infrastructure in 45 Minutes' by Mohamed Himedan & Davis Pynadath Come, and join us for an evening focused on Google Cloud Platform! We have two excellent talks from awesome speakers. ======
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6:30 - Snacks and socializing *
7:00 - Short greeting and intro by GDG Organizer
7:15 - 'Which Whiskey? Using GCP to Predict Whiskey Preferences' by Phil Goerdt
7:45 - 'GCP Production Grade Infrastructure in 45 Minutes' by Mohamed Himedan & Davis Pynadath
Come, and join us for an evening focused on Google Cloud Platform! We have two excellent talks from awesome speakers.
'Which Whiskey? Using GCP to Predict Whiskey Preferences'
What happens when a guy's passions for whiskey and the cloud collide? The answer is a clever solution built entirely with Google products, and an ML model that will predict which whiskies to try! In this talk, Phil will talk through his passion for whiskey (and his problem of too many choices), the solution he built on G Suite and GCP, and how using simple yet powerful tools can change not just your passion projects, but your organization's projects as well!
Phil Goerdt is the Founder of Erteso, a consultancy that focuses on helping customers move to and get the most out of GCP. He's been consulting on data and the cloud for over 8 years, and when he isn't thinking about either of those, you can probably find him hunting for new foods or whiskies to try.
GCP Production Grade Infrastructure in 45 Minutes
As a developer, you want to write code that does cool stuff. The last thing you want to think about is underlying infrastructure. In this talk, we'll discuss the definition of production-grade and what falls under the umbrella of infrastructure. We'll also present a GCP infrastructure design that meets our criteria outlined above and deploy it in a live demo. All in 45 mins!
Davis Pynadath: Davis is a Strategic Cloud Engineer with the Google Cloud Professional Services Organization. He helps customers design their networking infrastructure with an emphasis on high availability, scalability, security and automation.
Mohamed Himedan: Mo is an Infrastructure Consultant with the Google Cloud Professional Services Organization. His primary charter is helping customers design their cloud infrastructure. Mo's free time is spent trail running, biking, and visiting national parks.
Thank you, Agosto, for hosting our August meetup!
*Please understand that Agosto can accommodate us at 6:30. If your travel requires that you show up earlier, there are loads of great nearby places to pass the time beforehand. Lloyd is particularly fond of Darby's tater tots. :) Darbys is less than a block north of Agosto.
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