This is women exclusive event and gentlemen are also invited. As you may know, to showcase latest state of art technologies, Google Developers Group Jodhpur (GDGJodhpur) is a non profit community in Jodhpur. Along with DevFest18 we are looking to motivate innovative and problem solving project ideas that can provide a premium experience to technical enthusiasts. Recently Google has also announ
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This is women exclusive event and gentlemen are also invited.
As you may know, to showcase latest state of art technologies, Google Developers Group Jodhpur (GDGJodhpur) is a non profit community in Jodhpur. Along with DevFest18 we are looking to motivate innovative and problem solving project ideas that can provide a premium experience to technical enthusiasts.
Recently Google has also announced exciting contest for Science project by school students under class-wise categories. The initiative is designed to help and motivate innovative & artistic efforts by various school students. We believe that on the road of fast pacing technology, Science teachers from various schools must be invited for an awareness camp that will convey them about the available opportunities for students. The bulk of our agenda is devoted to provide quality resources that will support project ideas to students through teachers in well guided mode. We are striving to provide an open, free and quality platform where teachers can update themselves with the wealth of latest announcements along with experts & like minded people. We are the first technical community in the state of Rajasthan who has been actively enduring the odds with a passionate team of technocrates.
This is direct invitation for teachers to join our free awareness camp regarding available opportunities.
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