Hello, Let's get together in virtual world to continue learning. Meetup time is flexible. This is DIY learning, with the help from other community members of course. Please sign up for our slack channel using this link: https://join.slack.com/t/gdg-nb/shared_invite/zt-csnmold2-HNO_4MyVsLW57VaHxiXVcA Special Link to get 10 credits to Qwiklabs platform to complete the first lab. When you finish
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Let's get together in virtual world to continue learning. Meetup time is flexible. This is DIY learning, with the help from other community members of course. Please sign up for our slack channel using this link:
Special Link to get 10 credits to Qwiklabs platform to complete the first lab. When you finish the first lab, you will get a month's access for free ($55 value) - https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com/events/study-jam
You can learn from experts, and access free hands-on labs during this online Cloud Study Jam. In this session, we'll work through a lab in the Google Cloud Run Serverless Workshop. We will use slack to communicate, and help each other finish up the quest, earn a badge, and become eligible for extended access to QwikLabs and other Google Cloud learning tools.
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