Talking about Flutter is talking about style, and we couldn't have anyone better to talk about style, Flutter, Flutter with style and style with Flutter than Will Larche, Flutter Engineering Lead for Material Design at Google in NYC. You can not miss this session that will be legen-wait_for_it-dary, LEGENDARY Description: Taking a closer technical look at Google Fonts, the new Flutter Gallery,
52 RSVP'd
Talking about Flutter is talking about style, and we couldn't have anyone better to talk about style, Flutter, Flutter with style and style with Flutter than Will Larche, Flutter Engineering Lead for Material Design at Google in NYC. You can not miss this session that will be legen-wait_for_it-dary, LEGENDARY
Taking a closer technical look at Google Fonts, the new Flutter Gallery, and other announcements from Flutter Interact. Q&A to follow.
Tags: Flutter, Material Design, Google Fonts, Internationalization, Responsive Design
Bio: Will Larche is the Flutter Engineering Lead for Material Design at Google in NYC. He has also been an iOS engineer on Material Components, the official Google I/O app for iOS, and the Material Motion framework for animation and interactive motion. Before Google, he was the Chief Product Officer of a fashion-tech startup and has he led mobile engineering and product at multiple startups and agencies.
18:30-19:00 - Reception
19:00 - Will Larche delight us with his talk. Q&A to follow
19:45 - Networking with pizza and drinks
20:30-21:00 - We go out from the office. Those who want can go for a drink and continue the party
The place for the meeting is Badi Offices on the third floor of the OneCowork Catedral building (next to the cathedral of Barcelona)
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