Hello family! We're back! And this time we're going to learn about how Spreadsheet Tools can help us in our daily work. Guillem Orpinell, Henrique Sousa, Philippe Oger and Xavi Pinyol will share with us their expierence with this tools. As they say: "After two years working with Spreadsheet Tools, we can ensure they came to stay. Using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script (JS) we found the pana
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Hello family! We're back!
And this time we're going to learn about how Spreadsheet Tools can help us in our daily work.
Guillem Orpinell, Henrique Sousa, Philippe Oger and Xavi Pinyol will share with us their expierence with this tools. As they say:
"After two years working with Spreadsheet Tools, we can ensure they came to stay. Using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script (JS) we found the panacea: happy workers, high impact on productivity and low development cost. We would like to share some solutions and interesting cases as:
- Spreadsheet we have customized for specific Game Designing Features.
- The new Sheetfu library, an open source ORM to manipulate spreadsheets as database tables.
- How we managed to integrate spreadsheets with our JIRA processes.
The new paradigm allowed us to create functional prototypes in less than a week and iterate faster than ever. Presentation will be a summary of our experience and progress where we hope to find new enthusiasts to join on board."
Guillem Orpinell works as Tools Developer at Social Point. He founded and ran a startup on digital empowerment for 4 years.
Henrique Sousa works as Game Designer at Social Point. He has been working as a Game Designer and, occasionally, as a Game Developer since 2013.
Philippe Oger works as Tools developer at Social Point. 10 years of marketing user acquisition previously in various companies, including his own startups.
Xavi Pinyol works as Project Manager at Social Point. Previously, Mobile Lead Developer on Monster Legends and Dragon City.
We'll open doors at 6:45pm to start the talk at 7pm. And we'll have some beers and something to eat during the Networking time :).
Please join us at Social Point Headquarters on the 4.1 floor.
Looking forward to see you all!
Note: this event will be held in English.
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