We met again for a Flutter meetup, this time at Stuart's offices, for the following talk: *Description* After having rolled out our new Flutter application to the vast majority of our users, we feel it’s time to share our knowledge with you. In this talk we will talk about the good and bad of using Flutter for a mobile application in which reliability is a must. We will give you context of our
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We met again for a Flutter meetup, this time at Stuart's offices, for the following talk:
After having rolled out our new Flutter application to the vast majority of our users, we feel it’s time to share our knowledge with you.
In this talk we will talk about the good and bad of using Flutter for a mobile application in which reliability is a must. We will give you context of our mission, the technologies that run behind the scenes, the architecture of our Flutter application, and the personal experience of the iOS and Android developers switching from Kotlin/Swift to Dart.
*Speaker Bio*
Sergi Castellsague is the Head of Mobile of Stuart. He joined Stuart at a very early stage almost five years ago as an Android Developer
18:30 - Guests arrive
19:00 - :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Talk by Sergi.
19:45 - :question: Q&A
20:00 - :beer: :pizza: Networking with food and drinks
:warning: The space is limited to 45 people. Please register if you want to attend.
Please take a look at our Code of Conduct here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mrlwW6qCu-vQd_gvCDKVsDQNJm-znkU-4wWdGxoW6Vs/edit?usp=sharing
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