Title: Data Safety 101: Protect Your Android App From the Unexpected

GDG Washington DC

Description: Almost all meaningful apps retrieve data from some sort of API. The shape of the data that this API returns is out of the client’s control. At Upside Business Travel, our data is constantly changing form. These changes require client updates to stay up-to-date with the latest data models we receive from our APIs. How do we ensure that previous versions of our app don’t break when t

Feb 25, 2019, 11:00 PM – Feb 26, 2019, 1:00 AM

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Key Themes

About this event

Almost all meaningful apps retrieve data from some sort of API. The shape of the data that this API returns is out of the client’s control. At Upside Business Travel, our data is constantly changing form. These changes require client updates to stay up-to-date with the latest data models we receive from our APIs.

How do we ensure that previous versions of our app don’t break when the data model changes? Will missing expected pieces of information break our app? How can we be confident that custom views always receive the data they expect, no matter where they are being used in the app?

In this talk, Mike will explore how we use the benefits of Kotlin, data mapping, and ViewModels on our Android team to protect our app against both expected and unexpected data model changes.

Mike's Bio:
As a Senior Android Engineer at Upside Business Travel, I work on a Kotlin-only Android application with a team of engineers dedicated to making business travel as effortless as possible. I live in Arlington, VA, just outside the nation’s capital, but I try to stay as far away from politics as possible. You can catch me on the soccer field when I’m not learning about null-safety in Kotlin!

6:00-6:30 pm - Check-In & Networking (with Food/Drinks)
630 pm - Mike Ferraco: Data Safety 101 - Protect Your App From the Unexpected
7:15 pm - Q & A
8:00 pm - Networking and Wrap-up

There is free parking at the original Capital One Headquarters building (1680 building, as they have not opened parking to the new building yet, which is where the meetup is). Park there, then walk towards the largest Capital One building (1600 building). Take the first floor elevator to the 7th floor and walk around the floor until you see Maplewood Hall on the right hand side. No need to sign in.


  • Antonio Zugaldia


    Mobile Engineering Manager

  • Chida Sadayappan


    GDG Organizer

  • Joni Pepin


    GDG Organizer

  • Annyce Davis

    GDG organizer

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