DCAndroid Presents: Sunitha Burri - Let’s Bring Cool Motions into Android Apps!

GDG Washington DC

Title: Let’s bring cool motions into Android Apps Description: One of the ways to improve user engagement in apps is through providing cool and awesome animations. Though Android framework includes different ways of adding animations to apps, implementing complex animations has always been a challenge. Last year at Google IO, MotionLayout was introduced which makes implementation of animations

Apr 2, 2019, 10:00 PM – Apr 3, 2019, 12:00 AM


Key Themes

About this event

Title: Let’s bring cool motions into Android Apps

One of the ways to improve user engagement in apps is through providing cool and awesome animations. Though Android framework includes different ways of adding animations to apps, implementing complex animations has always been a challenge. Last year at Google IO, MotionLayout was introduced which makes implementation of animations and transitions easy and simple.

In this talk, through couple of examples you will learn:

- How to use MotionLayout’s features
- How to use Keyframes and Keycycles to implement complicated animations
- How to integrate MotionLayout into your existing apps

By the end of the talk you will be avid to use MotionLayout to make your apps stand out with awesome animations!

About the presenter:
Sunitha is a passionate Android developer working at Verizon Media, who has keen interest in UI development. She likes to work with product and design closely to provide valuable thoughts in coming up with best experience for users. When she is not coding, she loves to build metal 3d models.

6:00-6:30 pm - Check-In & Networking (with Food/Drinks)
630 pm - Sunitha Burri: Let’s bring cool motions into Android Apps
7:15 pm - Q & A
8:00 pm - Networking and Wrap-up

There is free parking at the original Capital One Headquarters building (1680 building, as they have not opened parking to the new building yet, which is where the Meetup is). Park there, then walk towards the largest Capital One building (1600 building). Take the first floor elevator to the 7th floor and walk around the floor until you see Maplewood Hall on the right hand side. No need to sign in.


  • Antonio Zugaldia


    Mobile Engineering Manager

  • Chida Sadayappan


    GDG Organizer

  • Joni Pepin


    GDG Organizer

  • Annyce Davis

    GDG organizer

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