! Just like **Google I/O**, **GDD** is an event where Google will showcase the latest developer products and platforms but this time, in Europe! Extended event means, we will host a post-event where we will talk about our experience at the conference as well as some first-hand news. We'll have video streams of some of the highlights, as well as code labs to try your hand at Android Things and oth
Just like Google I/O, GDD is an event where Google will showcase the latest developer products and platforms but this time, in Europe! Extended event means, we will host a post-event where we will talk about our experience at the conference as well as some first-hand news. We'll have video streams of some of the highlights, as well as code labs to try your hand at Android Things and other things.
როგორც Google I/O, GDD -ც არის ღონისძიება სადაც Google თავის უახლეს პროდუქტებს და პლატფორმებს წარმოადგენს, ამჟამად ევროპაში. Extended ღონისძიება ნიშნავს, ღონისძიების შემდგომ ჩვენებებს და პრაქტიკულ სამუშაოებს და იმ გამოცდილების გაზიარებას რაც იქ შევიძინეთ.
will be updated
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