Kotlin Is Everywhere Sri Lanka by GDG Sri Lanka

GDG Sri Lanka

To help you dive deeper into Kotlin, we’re happy to announce a new program we’re launching together with JetBrains: Kotlin/Everywhere, a series of community-driven events focussing on the potential of Kotlin on all platforms. We are aiming to help learn the essentials and best practices of using Kotlin everywhere, be it for Android, back-end, front-end and other platforms.

Nov 23, 2019, 3:30 – 11:30 AM


Key Themes


About this event

To help you dive deeper into Kotlin, we’re happy to announce a new program we’re launching together with JetBrains: Kotlin/Everywhere, a series of community-driven events focussing on the potential of Kotlin on all platforms. We are aiming to help learn the essentials and best practices of using Kotlin everywhere, be it for Android, back-end, front-end and other platforms.


  • Suresh Peiris



  • Chamod Perera

    GDG Organizer | CNCF Ambassador

  • Damsara Ranasinghe

    Yaala Labs (Pvt) Ltd

    GDG Organizer

  • Nuwini Chamindi

    Project Manager

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