**BADGING/RSVP POLICY** Please help us with badging and sign-up for this Meetup with your first and last name by answering the question during RSVP. That way we can print out the badges ahead of time and speed up the sign-in process. Thanks! We would also like to reiterate our RSVP policy: If you are on the waitlist and we think the event venue will be at or close to capacity you will have to w
0 RSVP'd
Please help us with badging and sign-up for this Meetup with your first and last name by answering the question during RSVP. That way we can print out the badges ahead of time and speed up the sign-in process. Thanks!
We would also like to reiterate our RSVP policy: If you are on the waitlist and we think the event venue will be at or close to capacity you will have to wait until 6:45 before we allow you into the room. If you are RVSPed we will keep your spot available until 15 minutes before the announcements, after that your spot will be given to someone present on the waitlist. If the room is filled at anytime earlier, we will deny entrance.
6:00-6:50pm Networking and light food
6:50-7:00pm Announcements
7:00-8.30pm Seminar
Intermediate developers who wish to learn how to work with spreadsheets programmatically through the new Google Sheets API.
In today's world of big data, the good old fashioned spreadsheet is still as powerful & flexible as ever. Launched at Google I/O 2016 (http://goo.gl/N1RPwC), the Google Sheets API can do much more than any of its predecessors. In this talk, we'll demonstrate a wide variety of ways to interact with Sheets, including migrating data from SQL databases, modifying data, cell formatting, and much much more. We'll also explore use cases pairing up the Sheets API with BigQuery in the Google Cloud Platform as well as the Google Slides API. The demo code will be in JSON & Python for brevity, however you can use any language supported by the Google APIs Client Libraries (developers.google.com/discovery/libraries).
- Get a quick introduction to using Google APIs
- Learn about the Google Sheets API and its features
- Hear about a variety of ways of using the Sheets API
- Lots of sample code & live demos (time-permitting!)
WESLEY CHUN is the author of Prentice Hall's bestselling "Core Python" (corepython.com) series, co-author of Python Web Development with Django (withdjango.com), and has written for Linux Journal, CNET, and InformIT. In addition to being an engineer & Developer Advocate at Google, he runs CyberWeb (cyberwebconsulting.com), a consultancy specializing in Python training. He has over 25 years of programming, teaching, and writing experience, including over two decades of Python! Wesley was one of the original Yahoo! Mail engineers and holds degrees in CS, Math, and Music from the University of California. He is a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation and can be reached on Google+ (+WesleyChun) or Twitter (@wescpy).
SUNDAR SOLAI works as a Developer Programs Engineer Intern at Google and studies computer science at Harvard University. His academic interests include probability, statistics, and randomized algorithms. He enjoys teaching computer science at all levels, having led the Harvard’s Digital Literacy Project, an effort to engage Boston middle schoolers in programming.
See you All there !!
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