Women Techmakers Kuala Lumpur International Women's Day ( IWD ) Celebration

GDG Kuala Lumpur

Women Techmakers Kuala Lumpur is proud to present our International Women's Day Celebration, happening Saturday March 30th 2019 at Google KL. Whether you are a technical or non-technical woman in technology, there will be something for everyone at this event, as this is a celebration of women. For our non-technical stream, we have a special "I am Remarkable" workshop, a Google initiative empower

Mar 30, 2019, 1:00 – 9:30 AM

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Machine LearningWeb

About this event

Women Techmakers Kuala Lumpur is proud to present our International Women's Day Celebration, happening Saturday March 30th 2019 at Google KL.
Whether you are a technical or non-technical woman in technology, there will be something for everyone at this event, as this is a celebration of women. For our non-technical stream, we have a special "I am Remarkable" workshop, a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond! In the "Artificial Intelligence and Art" codelab, we will show you how to programmatically create art in the style of local female artists.


09:00am: Registration

09:30am :Keynote

10:00am : The WTM Scholar Experience
Fatima Tayeeb, WTM Scholar

10:15am -10:30am: Winning "Cyber Security Woman of 2019 for Asia Pacific"
Lina Maharon, IT Security Consultant (Lead Penetration Testing), Teleawan Sdh Bhd.

10:30 am: Augmented Reality (AR) in STEM education
Preedha AG, Sunway University

11:00am : Fireside Chat: Women In Technology Panel
Chen Wei Jia, Consumer Product Lead, Fave
Farah Fauzi, Community Manager, Techstars
Fariza Farish, Consulting Analyst for Technology, Accenture
Moderator: Jenny Lim, Women@Google

12:00pm -2:00pm: Lunch and Networking

2:00pm -3.30pm:
Technical Stream: Artificial Intelligence in ART Codelab
Qamra Jema Khan, Data Scientist, RHB Bank

3:30pm - 5:00pm Technical Stream: Build Actions For Google Assistant Codelab
Christine Tee, Founder of Maxima Technologies & Dara Tumenbayeva, Data Scientist, SEEK Asia

2:00pm - 3.30pm Non-Technical Stream: I am REMARKABLE Workshop
Miami A. Cabansay, Content Strategy Manager, gTech gUP Content

3:30pm - 5:00pm : Non Technical Stream: "Fundamentals of Presentation Skills"

5:00pm - 5:30pm
Closing remarks, photos, etc.

Women Techmakers Kuala Lumpur (WTMKL) is powered by Google Developers Group Kuala Lumpur (GDGKL) as is designed to promote an environment of inclusion for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow, and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs.

*****IMPORTANT****: RSVP for this event is now closed.


  • Lai Fong

    WTM Community Organizer

  • Vanessa Khoo



  • Tan Yong Jern (Gregory)



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