RSVP Closed ML Bootcamp Series This bootcamp is for anyone who wants get started with machine learning with Google technologies. Please note this series requires you to have an understanding in the following: Proficiency in programming basics, and some experience coding in Python. Basic proficiency with common query language such as SQL. Thi
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RSVP Closed
ML Bootcamp Series
This bootcamp is for anyone who wants get started with machine learning with Google technologies.
Please note this series requires you to have an understanding in the following:
Proficiency in programming basics, and some experience coding in Python.
Basic proficiency with common query language such as SQL.
This bootcamp is part 1 of a series of 4 sessions:
1. Design Thinking Workshop (17 August)
Aim: To introduce design thinking approach to frame ML problems
2. Learn (September)
Aim: To understand ML theory & practice through study groups
3. Study (October)
Aim: To get participants understand Google Cloud Platform ML offerings through Qwiklabs
4. Build (November)
Aim: To help participants develop a working ML model to solve a real world problem
Commitment Fee
We charge a commitment fee so that we can have people who are really committed in attending.
Note that this charges is ONCE OFF, meaning if you intent to attend the rest of the programme, it will be FREE OF CHARGE FOR SUBSEQUENT MODULES
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