Android November Meetup

GDG Kuala Lumpur

**UPDATE: The meetup will happen in the HALL OF AWESOMENESS @ the 29th floor of UOA Bangsar** This time, we'll have our meetup at the amazing office of MindValley! We'll start our meetup at 2:00pm and no food will be serve. Please make sure have your lunch before coming to the meetup. :) 2:00pm: GDGKL Opening 2:10pm: Library projects, How Android Developers work in Mindvalley - by Harsh Mitt

Nov 4, 2017, 6:00 – 10:00 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

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About this event

UPDATE: The meetup will happen in the HALL OF AWESOMENESS @ the 29th floor of UOA Bangsar

This time, we'll have our meetup at the amazing office of MindValley! We'll start our meetup at 2:00pm and no food will be serve. Please make sure have your lunch before coming to the meetup. :) 

2:00pm: GDGKL Opening

2:10pm: Library projects, How Android Developers work in Mindvalley -
by Harsh Mittal, Android Lead Engineer @ Mindvalley,

2:40pm: Dependency Injection with Dagger 2 -  
by Liew Jun Tung, Full Stack Developer @ TABLEAPP

3:20pm: Design Support Library (Workshop) - Toru Wonyoung Choi -
by Toru Wonyoung Choi, Android Developer @ Celcom Planet

5:00pm: End


  • Lai Fong

    WTM Community Organizer

  • Vanessa Khoo



  • Tan Yong Jern (Gregory)



  • Sammi Chia


    WTMKL Co Lead

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