Flutter Study Jam: Hangouts on Air #1

GDG Kansas City

Flutter is Google's mobile app SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source. \------------------------------------------------ Want to get started on building Flutter apps? Join GDG Kansas City for a Flutter Study Jam! Together we'll work

Jul 31, 2018, 11:30 PM – Aug 1, 2018, 1:30 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Flutter is Google's mobile app SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.


Want to get started on building Flutter apps?

Join GDG Kansas City for a Flutter Study Jam! Together we'll work through the Flutter Udacity course prepared by Google instructors. You will be able to get hands-on experience with Flutter and build a Flutter app while learning the fundamentals.

The Kansas City Flutter Study Jam will span four weeks with several events in between. Everything is built around the Flutter course on Udacity but the Study jam provides an extra layer of help, guidance, and support from the Study Jam facilitators and others participating in the course in Kansas City. You don't have to make it to every event, but you do have to attend one of the first four as well as the in-person meetup on 8/21 to be eligible for prizes.

The Udacity course is made up of two lessons, each estimated to take 4 hours.

7/24 - In person
- Introduction to Flutter
- Start Lesson 1 (finish on your own by 8/7)
7/31 (this one) - Hangouts on Air
- Ask the facilitators any questions on Lesson 1
- Get some supporting content
8/7 - In person @ Google Fiber Space
- Summarize Lesson 1
- Start Lesson 2 (finish on your own by 8/21)
- Introduce the optional final projects and competition
8/14 - Hangouts on Air
- Ask the facilitators any questions
- Get feedback on final projects
8/21 - In person @ Plexpod Crossroads
- Summarize Lesson 2
- Final project presentations for anyone that wants to


This event will be virtual, not in-person. If you'd like to be part of the discussion, a link to a Hangouts on Air will be posted by 6:00 pm in the comments of this event as well as our Slack (go to http://slack.gdgkc.org to sign up). If you'd like to just watch, there will also be a link to a YouTube Live video posted as well.

*The link to the Hangouts on Air and YouTube Live video will be posted at least 30 minutes ahead of time.*
6:30 pm - Welcome
6:35 pm - Short introduction of Flutter
6:40 pm - General overview of Lesson 1
7:00 pm - Q&A

The event will end by 8:30 pm but the actual content covered will be driven by those attending.


*I missed the first meetup. Can I still participate?*
Of course! Be sure to signup and get started with the Flutter Udacity course. You don't have to have finished Lesson 1 yet, but try to at least get to slide 11 to make sure you have a solid understanding of the basics.

*I've never made a mobile app before. Will I be able understand what's going on?*
Zero prior mobile development experience is required. Some programming experience is definitely recommend though. Flutter uses Dart which will feel familiar if you have experience with languages like Swift, C#, Java, or Javascript.


  • Jay Whitsitt

    Commerce Bank


  • Roger O'Dell


  • Keerti Bajaj

    Graduate Research Assistant

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