GDG Hamburg

We are happy to invite you for an evening dedicated to Flutter, Google's new mobile app framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on Android and iOS. We are happy to welcome 2 speakers that already have experience with this promising new technology. Matthias Friedrich is going to talk about the Jimdo mobile team's experience building their latest app with Flutter: "PRODUCTION FLUTTE

Jun 21, 2018, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

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About this event

We are happy to invite you for an evening dedicated to Flutter, Google's new mobile app framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on Android and iOS.

We are happy to welcome 2 speakers that already have experience with this promising new technology.

Matthias Friedrich is going to talk about the Jimdo mobile team's experience building their latest app with Flutter:


End of 2017 we were about to start work on a completely new app that should lay ground for our whole companies mobile app strategy for the years to come. We decided to join forces of our two existing native mobile app developer teams and use Flutter, Google’s new cross-platform framework for Android and iOS.

Advantages like really well working hot-reload, complete code sharing for both platforms and a modern, reactive ui framework are just too good to be ignored. But Flutter is still in an early state and with that has its teething troubles and also very own shortcomings.

In the first part of this talk I want to share the overall experience we made building our very first Flutter app and running it in production for over 3 months.

The second half then goes full into live coding mode to show one of Flutter’s strengths: the easiness to build a fully customized animated graph, the visual highlight of our still small but beautiful app.

After the talk you hopefully have a better picture of what Flutter is capable of, its state of maturity and which use-cases it’s already great to be taken for."

The second will be held by Brian Egan, early Flutter contributor and DartConf18 speaker:


Interested in Flutter, but love RxJava and MVI? Curious about how to structure Flutter apps? If so, join along as we explore how to architect apps using using Dart Streams! We'll cover the basics of Streams, how to beef up their power with RxDart, and how to create a Reactive Application with these patterns.

This talk will cover the Bloc pattern introduced by Google. It's similar to MVI, and helps layer your apps, allowing you to write business logic that works flawlessly across three platforms: iOS, Android, and web.

Come learn a bit more about Flutter and the architecture patterns that can help give your apps a testable, reusable, and cohesive structure!"


  • Matthias Friedrich

    MOIA GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Guus van Weelden

    MOIA GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Sascha Lorenz

    PSG Projekt Service GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Julia Heidinger

    Social Developers Club


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