Google I/O Extended Hamburg 2019

GDG Hamburg

Hello! Google I/O is here again! Taking place in Mountain View, it will give us insights into the newest innovations. Come join us to watch the keynote live stream, share the excitement on new products and technology announcements. We will open the doors at 18:00 and start at 18:30 with a short introduction of the Hacker School and the sponsors and watch the Google keynote from 19:00. The keynot

May 7, 2019, 4:00 – 7:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event


Google I/O is here again! Taking place in Mountain View, it will give us insights into the newest innovations. Come join us to watch the keynote live stream, share the excitement on new products and technology announcements.

We will open the doors at 18:00 and start at 18:30 with a short introduction of the Hacker School and the sponsors and watch the Google keynote from 19:00. The keynote will last until about 20:30. After that there will be time for some drinks.

We will NOT stream the Developer Keynote at 21:45 because experience shows that 80% of people leave after the first keynote.

Please register now to secure your spot as space is limited.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you there!


  • Matthias Friedrich

    MOIA GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Guus van Weelden

    MOIA GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Sascha Lorenz

    PSG Projekt Service GmbH

    GDG Organizer

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