Talk with Google AI: New Retail and Big Data Application

相信大家对 7 月 19 日刷遍微信朋友圈的”猜画小歌”一定不陌生吧?这个由 Google AI 神经网络驱动、囊括超过 5000 万个手绘素描数据群的微信小程序,当天微信指数达到 252,363,982,成为当天朋友圈最大的赢家,让普通人不用了解 AI 的本意,也能实际沉浸式地体验到 AI 的威力。 I believe every wechat user is quite familiar with "Quick, draw!", the popular mini-program created by Google AI. Driven by Google AI Neural Network technology, the program has reached 252,363,982 by its wechat index, waving all the updates of you

Aug 26, 2018, 6:00 – 9:00 AM


Key Themes

About this event

相信大家对 7 月 19 日刷遍微信朋友圈的”猜画小歌”一定不陌生吧?这个由 Google AI 神经网络驱动、囊括超过 5000 万个手绘素描数据群的微信小程序,当天微信指数达到 252,363,982,成为当天朋友圈最大的赢家,让普通人不用了解 AI 的本意,也能实际沉浸式地体验到 AI 的威力。

I believe every wechat user is quite familiar with "Quick, draw!", the popular mini-program created by Google AI. Driven by Google AI Neural Network technology, the program has reached 252,363,982 by its wechat index, waving all the updates of your friends.

What is AI technology?
Except for games, What else can AI technology do?
How can AI redefine new retail?

「人工智能 X 新零售」
本次上海 GDG 邀请到两位重量级嘉宾,与大家一起探讨 AI 在新零售领域的应用及实现,从算法模型到行业落地案例,探讨 AI 技术的现实应用领域与发展方向,期待你一起加入我们的行业洞见交流!

On Aug 26, we have invited two top-level guest speakers to share with us the insights and application of AI and Neural Network technology. Hope to see you there!

*Our Guest Speakers

1)崔翱翔 谷歌上海资深工程师
AoXiang Cui, Senior Engineer of Google AI

现任职于谷歌机器视觉处理团队,主要参与机器视觉模型的部署和模型的量化,支持 Cloud Vision, Google Photos, Google Lens, Gmail 等产品的图像处理。复旦大学数学系博士,对机器视觉、人工智能有浓厚兴趣。
Cui now works at Google AI team, supporting Image Processing in Cloud Vision, Google Photos, Google Lens, Gmail, etc.
Dr degree in Maths of Fudan University.

2)刘理 饿了么高级产品经理
Li Liu, Senior Product Manager of

饿了么高级产品专家,10 年以上电商零售产品经验,全域型产品经理。热爱研究零售领域相关商业模型和产品,本次将与大家分享饿了么新零售的成长之路与经验。
With over 10 years experience in E-commerce and retailing industry, Liu has a passion with retail related business model and products, and he will share the growing path of new retail of eleme.

Plus, we will also organise a workshop to brain storm AI application in new retailing industry. We invite all the participants join in the workshop =)

Last but not least, DO NOT miss our official wechat account: GDG_Shanghai

Stay Cool! See you Aug 26th!


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