GDG DevFests are events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, and more. This year at GDG Sacramento we're going to talk about Progressive Web Apps, UI/UX and AI with TensorFlow, with the presence of one Googler to talk about these topics! TALK #1: UX for non UX-ers (Jennifer Cerazy - YouTube @ Google) If every team member shares responsibility for how their
GDG DevFests are events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, and more.
This year at GDG Sacramento we're going to talk about Progressive Web Apps, UI/UX and AI with TensorFlow, with the presence of one Googler to talk about these topics!
TALK #1:
UX for non UX-ers (Jennifer Cerazy - YouTube @ Google)
If every team member shares responsibility for how their product performs, then why is the ownership of the user experience (UX) often delegated to a sole few? This talk argues that all team members - from engineers to product managers - should take an active role in the UX process. Together, we'll unpack what it means for a product to have "good UX" and learn how to achieve it, with or without a UX team.
The talk will begin by outlining the main phases of the UX process. For each phase, we'll deep dive into key questions to ask and techniques used to answer them. We'll end by tackling 5 barriers that engineering colleagues say deter them from getting involved in the UX process.
Jennifer is a designer at Google. She believes that successful design influences business strategy (by equipping teams with human centered approaches to problem-solving). In her current role leading YouTube’s Content ID UX team, Jennifer helps YouTube Creators and companies protect and profit off of their content. Prior to Google, she designed for financial and advertising agencies across New York, Boston, London, and Bangalore.
TALK #2:
Progressive Web Apps are the future (Alain Chautard - Angular GDE)
Alain will introduce what Progressive Web Apps are all about, and explain why they are the future for web / mobile development. In this talk, we will see how progressive web apps can allow us to write our web application code once, and use it on any platform with a native behavior. We will see that the very same HTML / Javascript code can now behave like a native Android or IOS application by implementing the Progressive Web App pattern, which is about to become a W3C standard. We're going to see actual examples of progressive web apps, as well as dive into the different standards involved in making progressive web apps a reality, such as service worker, web app manifest, and notifications.
Alain is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies / Angular. He started working with Angular JS in 2011. Since then he has worked with all Angular versions on a daily basis, both as a developer and as a technical trainer. He is the organizer of the Sacramento Angular Meetup group, co-organizer of the Google Developer Group chapter in Sacramento, California, conference speaker, and published author of several video courses.
TALK #3:
Basic Image Classification using TensorFlow (Kyle Siler)
In this codelab, Kyle will follow TensorFlow's basic classification tutorial to train a neural network to classify images of clothing.
Lunch will be served and multiple prizes will be raffled during the day.
More talks to come soon.
There are some new VSP guidelines we need to abide by.
1. All guests must enter through the SOUTH door (previously we were entering through the north). We will have signs on the north side of the building directing guests to the south door and asking guests to not knock on any of the northern doors.
2. All guests must wear a name badge at all times. We will have a VSP employee helping guests make a security badge via the machine near the south door throughout the meetup.
3. All guests when they exit must use the SOUTH REVOLVING door. We will also have additional signs indicating this.
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