[Partner Event] Microservices & Kubernetes: Ihor Dvoretskyi (DA @CNCF)


**Talk Title: ****"Microservices and Kubernetes"** **Talk Description: ** Modern application building requires a different architectural process, and switching to the model of microservices brings the highest value to the application performance, resiliency, security, and flexibility. This talk will highlight the principles of microservices building using Kubernetes, and related tools and tech

Nov 21, 2017, 11:30 PM – Nov 22, 2017, 1:30 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Talk Title: "Microservices and Kubernetes"

Talk Description: 

Modern application building requires a different architectural process, and switching to the model of microservices brings the highest value to the application performance, resiliency, security, and flexibility. 

This talk will highlight the principles of microservices building using Kubernetes, and related tools and technologies.

Speaker Bio:

Ihor is a Developer Advocate at Cloud Native Computing Foundation (under The Linux Foundation governance), focused on the Kubernetes-related efforts at the open source community.

He acts as a Product Manager at Kubernetes community, co-leading Product Management Special Interest Group; together with co-leading OpenStack Special Interest Group, related to OpenStack and Kubernetes collaboration and integration questions. 

Find him on Twitter at Ihor Dvoretskyi (@idvoretskyi)

Sorry for the short notice. This is an event run by the OpenCamps community that may be of interest to our Cloud Computing members.



  • Ralph Yozzo


    GDG Organizer

  • Anna Nerezova

    GDG Organizer

  • Bhavik Chopra

    Metropolitan Transportation Authority

    Computer Science Graduate Student

  • Shivika Arora

    JP Morgan

    Executive Director, Product

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