**6:00pm Doors Open** Welcome & Announcements from the Organizers. ** ** **6:30pm (Lightning Talk) ** **Building Sentinel, the first home security robot based on Android Things** (A Work in Progress) _Speaker: Oscar Salguero_ On this abridged talk, Oscar tells us about how he is building Sentinel, the first home security robot based on Android Things and about his experience so far with th
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6:00pm Doors Open
Welcome & Announcements from the Organizers.
6:30pm (Lightning Talk)
Building Sentinel, the first home security robot based on Android Things (A Work in Progress)
Speaker: Oscar Salguero
On this abridged talk, Oscar tells us about how he is building Sentinel, the first home security robot based on Android Things and about his experience so far with this new Platform plus some tips about using it on a Raspberry Pi 3 and other tips that will prove valuable for beginners.
7:00pm TensorFlow Workshop (Test Drive)
Speakers: Josh Gordon (Dev Advocate) & Marianne Linares Monteiro (Summer Intern) from Google TensorFlow Team
Would you like to preview a new programming exercise the TensorFlow team is developing?
Come to this 60 minute workshop to experiment with a Recurrent Neural Network to generate paint colors. We'll give a short talk (say, 10 mins) to introduce the exercise, then you'll dive in with your laptop.
Please bring a laptop with TensorFlow version 1.2 or higher installed, and run through the "Beginning MNIST" sample on tensorflow.org (http://tensorflow.org/) to make sure everything is working ahead of time. We'll be around afterwards to answer any questions you might have as well. Thanks!
8:00pm Firebase & Cloud Functions (Demo)
Speaker: Ralph Yozzo (GDG NYC)
ABSTRACT: Presentation
We'll give some history behind the lead up to Firebase. And demonstration Firebase Cloud Functions usage and debugging. Firebase server side components give you a great way to make secure, social, scalable games and applications.
8:30pm Doors Close
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