[GDG NYC] QueryCamp 2017: BigData Concepts to Code


Have you been curious about big data? Or wanted to dive into open source datasets but didn't know where to start? Join us for a 1-day _StudyCamp _to explore Google BigQuery and other related cloud tools and services for data analysis at scale. Our goal is to follow the same format as PWA Camp followed by hands-on coding & exploration of datasets in the afternoon. *There will be no elevator ser

Sep 30, 2017, 1:30 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Have you been curious about big data? Or wanted to dive into open source datasets but didn't know where to start? 

Join us for a 1-day StudyCamp to explore Google BigQuery and other related cloud tools and services for data analysis at scale. Our goal is to follow the same format as PWA Camp with tech talks in the morning (focusing on teaching concepts) followed by hands-on coding & exploration of datasets in the afternoon.

*There will be no elevator service on Saturday. You will take the stairs to the 2nd floor as usual. If you do require an elevator, direct message an organizer in advance, so we can accommodate you.*

Call for Community Speakers: Do you have experience with BigQuery? Do you have a data set you have analyzed or tools that you have worked with, in context? Contact the organizers if you want to do a talk or demo at this event.

FOR MORE DETAILS ON THE EVENT PLEASE VISIT THE EVENT PAGE AT:  https://querycamp2017.splashthat.com/


  • Ralph Yozzo


    GDG Organizer

  • Anna Nerezova

    GDG Organizer

  • Bhavik Chopra

    Metropolitan Transportation Authority

    Computer Science Graduate Student

  • Shivika Arora

    JP Morgan

    Executive Director, Product

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