FlutterCamp 2018: 1-Day Workshop


Flutter is a mobile UI framework from Google. It allows developers to build multi-platform native apps (for Android and iOS) from a single codebase (Dart). It's expressive, performant - and open-source. Go from understanding basic concepts, to applying them in practice with self-guided exploration of codelabs. Challenge yourself to hack the codelabs or explore a rich collection of widget - then d

Jun 30, 2018, 1:00 – 9:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

Flutter is a mobile UI framework from Google. It allows developers to build multi-platform native apps (for Android and iOS) from a single codebase (Dart). It's expressive, performant - and open-source.

Go from understanding basic concepts, to applying them in practice with self-guided exploration of codelabs. Challenge yourself to hack the codelabs or explore a rich collection of widget - then do a Show-n-Tell to win eternal glory (and maybe some prizes).

Walk away knowing why Flutter is the coolest technology to play with in 2018. Oh, and you'll add native mobile app development to your skillset.
Not bad for a Saturday's work!




1. Fill in the REQUEST FOR INVITE form here.

2. The INVITE Form Will Close on June 20.
We will then send confirmations to[masked] selected attendees - you will need to RSVP on this site within 24-48 hours of receiving those emails, else the spot will be released to the waitlist. We also hope to secure funding for food/coffee by then - else we will notify you of relevant options at the time.

3. WAITLISTS will be active till Jun 28.
If you are confirmed and change your mind at any time, please let us know ASAP. Final lists will be sent to Google on Jun 28 by 5pm EST for printing. No further changes will be possible after that date/time.

4. Please WHITELIST the email addresses used for GDG NYC communications so your invite email is not lost in spam filters. The email may come from my personal gmail address or from "Nitya Narasimhan (Meetup)" (with an [masked] address).

Have questions? Add them to the comments section below.


  • Ralph Yozzo


    GDG Organizer

  • Anna Nerezova

    GDG Organizer

  • Bhavik Chopra

    Metropolitan Transportation Authority

    Computer Science Graduate Student

  • Shivika Arora

    JP Morgan

    Executive Director, Product

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