Women Techmakers Pink Vail GDG Denver 2018 (IWD)

GDG Denver

Our 2nd annual mountain get together. Network with Women Techmakers. Enjoy the slopes. Participate in the world's largest ski day to conquer cancer! Note: You do not need to ski to have a blast! Please register with our team for the March 24, 2018 event as soon as possible: https://www.pinkvail.com/womentechmakers (Click "JOIN OUR TEAM") You do not need to ski, we will help with transportation

Mar 24, 2018, 4:00 – 7:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

Our 2nd annual mountain get together. Network with Women Techmakers. Enjoy the slopes. Participate in the world's largest ski day to conquer cancer! Note: You do not need to ski to have a blast!

Please register with our team for the March 24, 2018 event as soon as possible: https://www.pinkvail.com/womentechmakers

You do not need to ski, we will help with transportation in some cases, and we will reimburse registration fees if cost is an issue. Contact gdgdenver at gmail dot com for more info on these offers.

This year we will have CHAIRLIFT CHATS, talk for 5-7 minutes to with awesome mentors and get advice on everything from ski turns to series A raises and fundamental Algorithms. If you know a mentor who would be interested in participating have them join our half dozen signed up already ...

You can sign up for more information here: http://pinkvail2018.splashthat.com

See pictures from 2017! (https://goo.gl/photos/TGTcdzqUKpwPnuVX9)

If you want to help please hang our flyers (links below) at work, etc and share a pic of it to gdgdenver at gmail dot com


Note: IWD stands for International Women's Day which is March 8, 2018 this event is sponsored by Women TechMakers Google which is celebrating IWD all March and April with their 2018 theme: Building a New Horizon


  • Mark S


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