RSVP: This event is part of the Road To DevFest Tour DevFest Florida tickets are available at What is #SpaceApps? Only the worlds biggest hackathon! :) Space Apps is an international hackathon that occurs over 48 hours in cities around the world. Since its inception in 2012, this event, a
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This event is part of the Road To DevFest Tour
DevFest Florida tickets are available at
What is #SpaceApps?
Only the worlds biggest hackathon! :)
Space Apps is an international hackathon that occurs over 48 hours in cities around the world. Since its inception in 2012, this event, a part of NASA's Earth Science Division, has become the world's largest global hackathon.
Who can participate?
Coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists and everyone enthusiastic about space can join to address challenges we face on Earth and in space.
What are the categories for 2018?
You can check the official announcement from NASA about this years categories on this link.
What to expect?
Expect a lot of teamwork, sleepless hours, and talks and discussions with NASA representatives, mentors and industry leaders from the tech and space community in Florida. Oh yeah, expect to have a lot of fun!
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