It's been a while since we've had an event dedicated to Android & Kotlin, so we've decided to make up for it with an edition with great content. Join us on Thursday, 5th of March, to celebrate the beginning of the Spring by finding out how to write better code using Kotlin DSLs and how to easily create smooth animations with MotionLayout. Agenda: 18:45 - 19:00: Arrivals & Registration 19:00 -
30 RSVP'd
It's been a while since we've had an event dedicated to Android & Kotlin, so we've decided to make up for it with an edition with great content.
Join us on Thursday, 5th of March, to celebrate the beginning of the Spring by finding out how to write better code using Kotlin DSLs and how to easily create smooth animations with MotionLayout.
18:45 - 19:00: Arrivals & Registration
19:00 - 19:05: Welcome
19:05 - 19:45: Kotlin, a language to rule DSLs by Tiberiu Tofan (ING Tech)
19:50 - 20:20: Deep dive into MotionLayout by Bogdan Zurac (Greener Pastures)
Kotlin, a language to rule DSLs - Kotlin is a great language for creating internal DSLs. Although it is statically typed, some of its features, such as type safe builders, extension functions, operator overloading, implicit receivers, etc. make the creation of internal DSLs a rewarding experience. We will explore some existing DSLs, and look under the hood to see how we can tailor the same principles to our needs.
Deep dive into MotionLayout - Create beautiful and complex layout animations without writing tons of lines of code, by leveraging the mechanism of constraints you already know.
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