Amazing time with the Google Developer Group BGL Our December meetup is hosted by Talsen Team GmbH ( We are invited to use they're amazing location where we will have enough snacks and drinks to enjoy the presentations and activities. Agenda: • 18:00 Guests arrive • 18:30 Welcome by Tarik (organiser) and Hans (Talsen Team) • 18:45 Agile Software Development – Id
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Amazing time with the Google Developer Group BGL
Our December meetup is hosted by Talsen Team GmbH ( We are invited to use they're amazing location where we will have enough snacks and drinks to enjoy the presentations and activities.
• 18:00 Guests arrive
• 18:30 Welcome by Tarik (organiser) and Hans (Talsen Team)
• 18:45 Agile Software Development – Ideas, Values, Methods and Tools by Dr.-Ing. Hans Egermeier
The presentation is about agile software development. Starting with the basic motivation and the benefits of agile software development the presentation also covers topics like the agile manifesto, requirement techniques, basic process building blocks and necessary tool support. The topics are presented in a practical way and explained with case studies from real development teams • 19:15 Break (15 min)
• 19:30 Docker by David Lechner
Docker is a software technology providing containers, promoted by the company Docker, Inc. Docker provides an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization on Windows and Linux. Docker uses the resource isolation features of the Linux kernel such as cgroups and kernel namespaces, and a union-capable file system such as OverlayFS and others to allow independent "containers" to run within a single Linux instance, avoiding the overhead of starting and maintaining virtual machines (VMs).
• 20:00 Break (15 min)
• 20:15 Live coding session with Tarik
We will again create a new and fresh Progressive Web Application and now also create new components in it that we can use at the end of the session.
Guide for Live-coding:
• 20:45 Discussions and networking
GDG Organizer
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