Welcome everyone to GDG Berlin! It's 2020 now, and we would like to invite you to our next event, all about accessibility! Given the current health concerns due to the COVID-19 virus, the GDG Berlin is running its first ever Online event. This online event starts at 19:00. \---------- Talk 1: How to a11y? by Franziska Hauck Accessibility has been gaining in importance in the tech world. Howev
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Welcome everyone to GDG Berlin! It's 2020 now, and we would like to invite you to our next event, all about accessibility!
Given the current health concerns due to the COVID-19 virus, the GDG Berlin is running its first ever Online event.
This online event starts at 19:00.
Talk 1: How to a11y? by Franziska Hauck
Accessibility has been gaining in importance in the tech world. However, there has always been and still is the important point of accessibility in "real life". Whether it is at the workplace, at meetups or in interactions in smaller groups - there is not a lot of knowledge about how to include people with disabilities and chronic illnesses best. This is especially true for folks who have non-visible disabilities. More can - and should! - be done to deepen understanding. In the talk, I will tell my personal story of why accessibility is so dear to my heart and I will give tips on what everyone can do to achieve inclusion.
Franziska is a consultant for DevRel, community and communications.
Throughout her career, she has built programs with various groups such as expats, seekers of financial advice, crowd service agents and developers. Moreover, Franziska has worked for clients as a project and product manager, compiled reports and given talks on topics such as allyship. She blogs on https://t.co/eTlXAKJidT.
Talk 2: Empathy Driven Development by Manjula Dube
Building web applications has been fairly easy now, however, an often-missing ingredient in many web applications is a focus on accessibility best practices — especially when component libraries are part of their application. Nothing in frameworks prevents us from building accessible web apps, but we need to learn to harness its power in the right way while dealing with some unique challenges caused by creating web pages with JavaScript. This talk will focus on these issues and how to solve them in the real world, while also adding some a11y power to your development process. This talk will also focus on why it is important to build accessible web apps.
Manjula Dube works at N26 as a JavaScript web developer.
She is as well a GDG Berlin co-lead.
Following Manjula's talk, we will have our usual short "What's new on the Google Cloud Platform" presentation, covering highlights of what has been released by Google Cloud since the our last meetup.
We are looking forward to seeing you online! Stay healthy!
Manjula, Louis and Jerome
Code of Conduct: We follow the Berlin Code of Conduct (https://berlincodeofconduct.org/)
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