Google Cloud Days #1 - Kubernetes

GDG Cloud Istanbul

Selamlar, Yeni yılın ilk etkinliği ile karşınızdayız, herkese iyi ve mutlu yıllar dileriz. Program: 13:00 - 14:00 -> Hoşgeldiniz - Networking 14:00 - 14:50 -> Hüseyin Babal - Private Kubernetes Clusters, The Right Way 14:50 - 15:50 -> Network 16:00 - 16:50 -> Metin Seylan - Kubernetes Üzerinde Yüksek Performanslı Uygulamlar 17:00 - 17:50 -> Güray Yıldırım - CI/CD'nin Öte

Jan 18, 2020, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (UTC)

111 RSVP'd

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About this event


Yeni yılın ilk etkinliği ile karşınızdayız, herkese iyi ve mutlu yıllar dileriz.

13:00 - 14:00 -> Hoşgeldiniz - Networking
14:00 - 14:50 -> Hüseyin Babal - Private Kubernetes Clusters, The Right Way
14:50 - 15:50 -> Network
16:00 - 16:50 -> Metin Seylan - Kubernetes Üzerinde Yüksek Performanslı Uygulamlar
17:00 - 17:50 -> Güray Yıldırım - CI/CD'nin Ötesi: Continuous Development ve GKE

Hüseyin Babal - Private Kubernetes Clusters, The Right Way

Abstract: In this session, there will be tips & tricks about how to automate Private Kubernetes cluster installation and configuration by using Terraform on GCP. There will be sample configurations explained during the session, and also will show you how to expose services to the public internet in a secure way.

About Author: Building Hazelcast Cloud to provide Hazelcast Cluster as a service with extensive features. AWS Certified DevOps Professional. Building highly scalable, real-time systems with Spring Boot, Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus, Event-Based Systems, and Hybrid Cloud. Ex. Sony and eBay engineer


Metin Seylan - Tricks for High Performance Services on Kubernetes

Daha önce hep Kubernetes nasıl çalışır nasıl deployment yapılır onlar konuşuldu, ancak Microservice dünyasında Kubernetes tüm problemleri çözen sihirli bir tool değil.

Kod seviyesinde yapılan değişikliklerin infra tarafında her zaman bir karşılığı var

Boot Sürelerini Hızlandırmak
Dependency Injection nasıl çalışır
Runtime dependency injection ve problemleri
Problemin çözümü için Compile Time Injection ve Framework ile beraberinde gelen çözümler
Kubernetes tarafındaki scaling kazanımları
Network Optimizasyonu (GRPC)
gRPC Nedir?
Kubernetes tarafında gRPC kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gerekenler ve kazanımları

About Author: He is a Senior Software Developer, Open Source contributor and a Google Developer Expert on Cloud. Currently working at Scotty Turkey and mainly focused on the distributed systems and microservices. You can learn more about Metin by following him on Github! (@MetinSeylan)!


Güray Yıldırım - CI/CD'nin Ötesi: Continuous Development ve GKE

CI/CD/CDP pipelines have been improving in a serious acceleration. At this speed, developers adopted a number of significant new technologies. Mostly, experience of developers are ignored, or not improved as much as other fields. In order to solve these problems, there are a number of tools that produces the term "continuous development". In this session, we will see why continuous development is a requirement, how it makes developers' life easier, why/how to implement it, and more.

Growing CI/CD technologies
Developer experience and DevOps
Developer experience in container world
Why developers need more? Why it is a problem?
What is continuous development? How it solves the problem?
Continuous development in Kubernetes

Güray, DevOps engineer with special interest in Kubernetes / Docker and other container tech. Working with multi-host deployments with customer oriented infrastructure automation & plugins and CI/CD/CDP pipelines. Libre software lover.


  • Omar Elcircevi


    ML Engineer / GDG Cloud Organizer

  • Erol Kaftanoglu

    Senior Android Developer

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