! 'Tis the Season! GDG Cloud Calgary will be hosting a holiday mixer at Last Best Brewing & Distilling , Wednesday December 13th from 5pm to 8pm. Cost is $10 (see BELOW), which will get your first beer and snacks. Have you had Last Best's snacks? They're wonderful. Have you had Last Best's beer? That is too are wonderful. Oh, we will have door prizes including the brand new Google Home Mini
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'Tis the Season!
GDG Cloud Calgary will be hosting a holiday mixer at Last Best Brewing & Distilling , Wednesday December 13th from 5pm to 8pm.
Cost is $10 (see BELOW), which will get your first beer and snacks. Have you had Last Best's snacks? They're wonderful. Have you had Last Best's beer? That is too are wonderful. Oh, we will have door prizes including the brand new Google Home Mini!
The GDG Cloud Calgary team will be there, and will have Google SWAG on hand to give away. No promises that Santa will be there, although he did tell me that he may have sent some VR headsets. Shhhhh.....
Space is limited so RSVP quick!
Ho, ho, and see you there ;)
PAYMENT NOTE: Payment is via Paypal. If you do not have a paypal account, please reach out to [masked] and we can make alternative arrangements for you! Thanks!
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The Adaptavist Group
GDG Organizer, Women Techmakers Ambassador
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