Study Jams are a great opportunity to bring members of our community together to learn something new or advance their knowledge, with the help of a community facilitator. Skills learnt in this workshop can be used for personal development or career advancement. As a complement to large tech talks and viewing party events that you may already be hosting, the Machine Learning Study Jam framework br
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Study Jams are a great opportunity to bring members of our community together to learn something new or advance their knowledge, with the help of a community facilitator. Skills learnt in this workshop can be used for personal development or career advancement.
As a complement to large tech talks and viewing party events that you may already be hosting, the Machine Learning Study Jam framework brings together a small group of your members who are interested in learning about Machine Learning Crash Course. Join us for a Machine Learning Study Jam where we will run through the Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC)!
This course is intended for those who wish to learn about ML from a practical, applied perspective that will enable you to use machine learning in your everyday projects and learn about the power of TensorFlow. This is a great opportunity for anyone with basic technical knowledge and limited Machine Learning knowledge willing to gain some practical experience in ML and TensorFlow.
Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC) is intended for those who wish to learn about ML from a practical, applied perspective that will enable them to use machine learning within their everyday projects, and who wish to benefit from the power of TensorFlow wrapped in convenient higher-level abstractions.
This is a great opportunity for audience with basic technical knowledge and limited Machine Learning knowledge willing to gain some practical experience in ML and TensorFlow.
ML SJ小组每周线下聚会,这是第三周
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