GDG DevFest 2017 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more! This year is the first time that Wuhan GDG is hosting DevFest.This activity will involve AI and Android, and we will invite a number of senior professors and development engineers in AI and Android to share AGENDA: 1:30 PM - 1:40 PM Check-in & Pho
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GDG DevFest 2017 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more!
This year is the first time that Wuhan GDG is hosting DevFest.This activity will involve AI and Android, and we will invite a number of senior professors and development engineers in AI and Android to share
1:30 PM - 1:40 PM Check-in & Photo
1:40 PM - 2:10 PM Wuhan GDG establishment ceremony
2:10 PM - 4:40 PM Guests bring AI and Android technology to share
4:40 PM - 5:00pm Free exchange sharing
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