IWD-I AM remarkable (2019WTM GDG Wuhan)

GDG Wuhan

Women have played more and more important roles in the society especially in different areas of technology. They have obtained fruitful and resourceful achievements. WTM is Women Techmakers. WTM day is the GDG supported project to encourage the women taking part in the working in technologies. GDG Wuhan has supported WTM activities in recent years including lectures, experience sharing, code labs

Apr 24, 2019, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Women have played more and more important roles in the society especially in different areas of technology. They have obtained fruitful and resourceful achievements. WTM is Women Techmakers. WTM day is the GDG supported project to encourage the women taking part in the working in technologies. GDG Wuhan has supported WTM activities in recent years including lectures, experience sharing, code labs etc.. This year, the WTM day is upcoming in GDG Wuhan again. We have invited engineers, designers, teachers and other excellent speakers to share their experience and thinking of their works. The women techmakers will be remarkable. There are four places to join the activities as the follows. The attendees can select the nearest place:
1. Main Place: Chongshi Hall, Building Library, Huangjiahu Campus, Wuhan University of Science and Technology (There is live show of the main lecture from Google speaker. The live address will be released soon through Wechat Public Number of GDG Wuhan. The Wechat Name :武汉GDG)

2. Parallel Session I: Multimedia Room at 5th Floor, Building 1, #88 Youkeyuan Road, Hongshan District

3. Parallel Session II: Room 201,Science Hall,Central China Normal University

4. Parallel Session III: No.1 lecture hall, City College, Wuhan University of Science and Technology


  • Wei Hu

    GDG Wuhan

    GDG Organizer

  • Fangfang Liu

    WTM GDGWuhan

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