Pick n Choose with Google Cloud

GDG Wrocław

Serverless, VMs, or Containers? Choose the right compute model for your GCP projects. Learn about trade-offs and GCP options: Compute Engine, Container Engine, Cloud Run, App Engine, Cloud Functions.

Aug 13, 2024, 4:00 – 4:30 PM (UTC)

21 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Serverless? VMs? Containers? Yes, we've got services providing all of those... but how to decide which to use? This talk will answer that question. There are many different ways to run your code. And the tradeoffs are different when you're working with existing systems instead of designing an entirely new system. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers solid support for the full spectrum of compute models, whether you are using managed GCP offerings or open-source technologies such as Kubernetes, Knative, and more. Come learn how to navigate the trade-offs and decide which models are the best fit for your systems as well as how the models map to Google Cloud services — whether Compute Engine, Container Engine, Cloud Run, App Engine, and/or Cloud Functions.

This is on-line event, livestreamed to YouTube.

The recording will be available.


  • Harris Solangi

    Watermelon Market - The largest F&B Ecosystem in the UAE



  • Luka Malakhau

    GDG Wroclaw

    Software Developer

  • Szymon Mazanik


    GDG Organizer

  • Karol Wrótniak

    GDG Organizer

  • Artur Skrzypczyk


  • Piotr Biniecki


    GCP Consultant

  • Alexander Stolar

  • Jan Łuczka

    Android Developer

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