Conversations with robots: the user experience of voice interfaces.

GDG Winnipeg

Voice UI’s are everywhere, but the experience ranges from mediocre to downright scary. Fortunately, pop culture provides a century of context of what good VUI sounds like. We’ll survey the best of pop culture to learn the 3 laws of ROBOT interface and explore how to make sci-fi reality

Feb 11, 2022, 12:00 – 1:35 AM (UTC)

30 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Google AssistantMachine Learning

About this event

Voice interfaces are everywhere. Yet think of your most recent interactions with robot or assistant interfaces, you likely left feeling underwhelmed. Today’s Voice UI doesn’t live up to our expectations and it's all Science Fiction’s fault! For over a century pop culture has made promises, like a hoverboard or flying cars, that technology hasn’t managed to keep. We can change all that. Conversation designers of today can make interfaces that amaze and delight, we just need to understand the rules.

Join Bryce Howitson in examining various robots of popular culture from movies to books and even video games. We’ll discover what humanity expects from voice interactions and the source of those ideas. Finally, I’ll share tools and techniques to create engaging conversational interfaces that amaze audiences as much as those created long ago, in galaxies far far away.



Friday, February 11, 2022
12:00 AM – 1:35 AM (UTC)


12:00 AM Open Remarks
12:05 AMPresentation
12:45 AMQ/A
1:00 AMClose Remarks
1:05 AMClose Remarks
1:30 AMEnd


  • Bryce Howitson


    Strategist/Innovator/Coder/Teacher Focused on Digital products & Customer Experiences


  • Josiane Kroll

    University of Manitoba

    GDG Winnipeg Organizer

  • Edwin Ajong


    GDG Winnipeg

  • Erica Silva

    Salesforce l

    GDG Canada East Mentor - Winnipeg / WTM Ambassador

  • Lysandra Lima


    Project Analyst

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