The Windsor-Essex DevFest - SOLD OUT :)

GDG Windsor

SOLD OUT The Windsor Google Developers Group (GDG) is proud to host the first ever Windsor-Essex DevFest on Saturday, Feb 23, 2019 at the Institute for Border Logistics and Security in Windsor, Ontario. Check out all of the details here: What is a DevFest? DevFests are Google sponsored software developer conferences that allow the local software development community to c

Feb 23, 2019, 1:30 – 10:00 PM

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event


The Windsor Google Developers Group (GDG) is proud to host the first ever Windsor-Essex DevFest on Saturday, Feb 23, 2019 at the Institute for Border Logistics and Security in Windsor, Ontario. Check out all of the details here:

What is a DevFest?
DevFests are Google sponsored software developer conferences that allow the local software development community to come together to network and learn about the coolest new technology out there.

What can you expect at the Windsor-Essex DevFest?
A day full of great talks on some of the latest Google technology out there with great opportunities to network within the local tech community. Breakfast and lunch will be provided as well as a end of day prize raffle of some cool technology. We will be charging a small fee of $10 to help offset the cost of the conference (thanks to our sponsors for helping to cover the rest of the costs :).

What technologies will we be covering?
Some of the coolest development technologies out there including Flutter, TensorFlow, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).



  • Ali El-Sharif

    St. Clair College


  • Kiran Puthan

    Bell Canada

    Solution Consultant

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