Enough of fooling around! It's time to get certified! For the beginning, we'll start with the simplest of Google Cloud certifications - Associate Cloud Engineer or "ACE" for short! We are organizing this event in partnership with GDG Cloud Nuremberg (Germany) and some other GDG groups. From now on we'll meet weekly online and study together to prepare ourselves to pass the exam. Now is the righ
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Enough of fooling around! It's time to get certified! For the beginning, we'll start with the simplest of Google Cloud certifications - Associate Cloud Engineer or "ACE" for short!
We are organizing this event in partnership with GDG Cloud Nuremberg (Germany) and some other GDG groups.
From now on we'll meet weekly online and study together to prepare ourselves to pass the exam.
Now is the right time to study and successfully pass this exam! Why? Because the exams (because of the pandemic) can now be taken from the comfort of your home AND Google have just announced the 30% discount on this particular certification!
Official ACE page: https://cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-engineer
30% off for ACE: https://inthecloud.withgoogle.com/certification-preparation/register.html
The online study group will take place in the Google meet video call as well as in this Slack https://bit.ly/GDGCloudNbgSlack
AI Research Scientist
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