DevFest Sweden 2020 - Diversity & Inclusion Panel Discussion - Cash, Culture and Creativity!

Inclusion and profitability in the IT sector. How do we create an agreement between what we say and what we do? Panel Speakers : Verenice Bengtsson, Human Rights Lawyer working for an inclusive society Sofia Klingberg Inclusion & Diversity Manager AFRY

Oct 16, 2020, 4:30 – 5:00 PM


Key Themes


About this event

This panel discussion will be in both English & Swedish. 

Arbetsmarknaden exkluderar och missar mycket bra kompetens idag. Hur kan vi tänka annorlunda och hjälpa varandra i att bli bättre? Hur utmanar vi och ifrågasätter de normer som skapar exkluderande strukturer? Och speglar mångfald även på ledningsnivå? Varför räcker det inte med mångfald och inkludering i IT-sektorn? Varför att det viktigt att skapa tillhörighetskänsla. Hur då? Detta webinar kommer att presentera några konkreta åtgärder.

The labor market is excluding many talents today. How can we be better and learn from each other? How do we challenge and question the norms that create exclusive structures? Does diversity also reflect at the management level? Why is diversity and inclusion in the IT sector, not enough? Why it's important to create a sense of belonging in all organizations. How? This Q&A will give you concrete examples

• Inclusive organizations are the winning team.

• Q&A session about how to work inclusively.

About Panelists

Verenice Bengtsson, Human Rights Lawyer working for an inclusive society

Verenice Bengtsson is passionate about change; for issues like sustainability, inclusion, gender equality, and above all: to make a difference in people's lives. In Sweden she has been working in order to reduce inequalities and exclusion, increase diversity at the workplace, promoting business and human rights as well as supporting academic foreigners to get into the Swedish labor market.

Sofia Klingberg, Inclusion & Diversity Manager AFRY

Working with leverage diversity and inclusion at AFRY. Inclusion & Diversity Process owner at AFRY global. Manages “Immigrated Engineers program”, Cross border recruitment specialist.




Friday, October 16, 2020
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM UTC


  • Sofia Klingberg


    Inclusion & Diversity Manager

  • Verenice Bengtsson

    Human Rights Lawyer working for an inclusive society


  • Prajit Datta


    GDG Organizer

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