How is it February already?! Let's get together and plan our events for this year (sponsors welcome!). We thought we'd get together over fish & chips and have a more informal session than the usual. Hopefully this will allow us to make the most of this excellent weather (fingers crossed I didn't just jinx it) and help us get to know each other better. Topics for conversation: \- things you lea
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How is it February already?!
Let's get together and plan our events for this year (sponsors welcome!). We thought we'd get together over fish & chips and have a more informal session than the usual. Hopefully this will allow us to make the most of this excellent weather (fingers crossed I didn't just jinx it) and help us get to know each other better.
Topics for conversation:
- things you learned over the break
- new tools and resources you've come across that you really enjoyed
- new apps / libraries you published or you fell in love with (promote your own!)
- topics you think our GDG should tackle in 2019
- anything else you believe would be interesting to our group :)
SPONSOR WANTED: it would be amazing if you or one of your employers could sponsor at least part of this event. Whether it's paying for some bowls of chips, or for sparkling water, any help would be much appreciated since not all our members can afford lunch from a pub.
See you there!
Reminder: Our Code of Conduct applies regardless of the fact that we are not meeting at a venue provided by a sponsor.
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