GDG Waterloo presents: Unique Applications of Computer Vision

GDG Waterloo

This event will be shedding some light on an interesting project built at TD Lab. Converting hand drawn images to fully functioning mobile apps. Hosted by Applyboard and focusing on the work from TD Lab, we will have the following speakers: Dexter Fichuk, Natural Language Processing Engineer at Shopify. While working at TD Lab, Dexters passion for Computer Vision drove him to create a pipeline co

Apr 4, 2019, 11:00 PM – Apr 5, 2019, 1:00 AM


Key Themes

About this event

This event will be shedding some light on an interesting project built at TD Lab. Converting hand drawn images to fully functioning mobile apps. Hosted by Applyboard and focusing on the work from TD Lab, we will have the following speakers:

Dexter Fichuk, Natural Language Processing Engineer at Shopify. While working at TD Lab, Dexters passion for Computer Vision drove him to create a pipeline converting hand drawn images to functioning mobile applications.

Omas Abdullah, Software Engineer Team Lead at Applyboard. Prior to Applyboard, Omas worked alongside Dexter at TD Lab where he worked on iOS development. Together with his team they were able to move the full conversion pipeline to run locally on an iPhone. Drastically improving runtime.

Come take a technical dive on how these two were able to apply a unique solution to a problem that many development teams face today.

Following the talk will be a Q&A!
Food and beverages (non alcoholic) will be provided!


  • Hana (Dope'rah) Hassan

    GDG Organizer

  • Oleksandr Levinskyi

    GDG Organizer

  • Sanjay Sekar Samuel


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