GDG-DC / DCAndroid Post Google I/O Viewing Party with Firebase Team

GDG Washington DC

**Details:** GDG-DC and DCAndroid will be hosting a Viewing Party for the Live Hangout @Capital One in Tyson's Corner. Join us on May 26 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm to see the Googlers discuss the super secret new product that is being announced at Google I/O, and get a chance to ask them questions live through Google Hangout. **Location:** 8020 Towers Crescent Drive, Vienna VA 22182 **Agenda:** 5:3

May 26, 2016, 9:30 PM – May 27, 2016, 12:30 AM


Key Themes

About this event


GDG-DC and DCAndroid will be hosting a Viewing Party for the Live Hangout @Capital One in Tyson's Corner. Join us on May 26 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm to see the Googlers discuss the super secret new product that is being announced at Google I/O, and get a chance to ask them questions live through Google Hangout.

Location: 8020 Towers Crescent Drive, Vienna VA 22182


5:30-6:00 pm - Check-In & Networking (with Food/Drinks)

6:00 pm - Hangout Begins!

The Firebase platform released several tighter integration with Android Development at Google I/O 2016. 

If you are a front-end designer, app developer, or tech enthusiast, you won't want to miss this!!


Submit your questions now on Google+ or on Twitter using the hashtag #AskFirebaseLive.

8:00 pm - Till we leave - Q&A Breakout Sessions/Networking/Socializing

Parking:  Follow signs to Guest Parking.  Be sure to bring your ticket inside for validation.

This event is Metro accessible

Event Max:  100-ish


  • Antonio Zugaldia


    Mobile Engineering Manager

  • Chida Sadayappan


    GDG Organizer

  • Joni Pepin


    GDG Organizer

  • Annyce Davis

    GDG organizer

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