Learn the basics of creating websites using popular technologies: * Firebase for it's awesome and simple webpage hosting * Material Design and the philosophy of interface physicality * and Twitter Bootstrap as as super-easy styling framework This is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device!), so you'll need a mac/PC with admin/root privileges (needed for Firebase installation). Workshop will be provi
5 RSVP'd
Learn the basics of creating websites using popular technologies:
* Firebase for it's awesome and simple webpage hosting
* Material Design and the philosophy of interface physicality
* and Twitter Bootstrap as as super-easy styling framework
This is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device!), so you'll need a mac/PC with admin/root privileges (needed for Firebase installation).
Workshop will be provided in polish.
Jakub Kołakowski is GDG Warsaw chapter leader, technology consultant, old-school-webmaster (tho can fix your printer as well) and hi-tech freak testing everything that is coming out in the IT world (hardware, software, services, tools, processes, ...).
This workshop is a part of od DevFest Warsaw and Radzymin 2019. You can buy the ticket at https://evenea.pl/event/devfestwarrad/.
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