• What we'll do We are proud to be hosting the 2018 Mobile Site Certification Study Jam. The mobile site certification study jam is a peer-led based training that will focus on getting participants (web developers and aspiring developers) to understand the basic and advanced aspects of mobile website design and development. Participants will undergo a 3 hour training, take an online assessment
• What we'll do
We are proud to be hosting the 2018 Mobile Site Certification Study Jam. The mobile site certification study jam is a peer-led based training that will focus on getting participants (web developers and aspiring developers) to understand the basic and advanced aspects of mobile website design and development.
Participants will undergo a 3 hour training, take an online assessment and earn certificates which they can showcase to prospective clients (or employers) as certified mobile sites professionals.
- 9.30 am - 10.00 am: Participants Registration
- 10.00 am - 10.10 am: Introducing Google Developer Group, Warri
- 10.15 am - 1.15 pm: Mobile Site Study
- 1.20 pm - 1.35 pm: Light Refreshment/Break
- 1.40 pm- 3.10 pm: Test
- 3.10 pm - 3.15 pm: Filling Feedback form
-3.15 pm - 3.30 pm: Photo Session and Networking
• What to bring
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