GDG DevFest 2018 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more! Agenda 1\. Registration 1\. Progressive Web Apps 2\. Flutter 3\. Firebase 4\. Diversity and Inclusion in Tech (fireside chat) 5\. Lunch break/networking 5\. Machine Learning 6\. The free and open web 7\. Git and Gitlab 8\. Fire-s
GDG DevFest 2018 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more!
1. Registration
1. Progressive Web Apps
2. Flutter
3. Firebase
4. Diversity and Inclusion in Tech (fireside chat)
5. Lunch break/networking
5. Machine Learning
6. The free and open web
7. Git and Gitlab
8. Fire-side chat and panel sessions
9. Close and happy hour
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